Wednesday, June 02, 2010

random internet questions

When I look down I see: my stiletto black heels on beige thick carpet

My hair is: black?

The happiest recent event was: last weekend. it was a long memorial weekend. I got to sleep in more than four hours and woke up knowing that I was being watched over by K the whole time I was sleeping. It made me felt all warm inside. heeee... =]

If I were a character on ‘Friends’ I would be: probably Rachel, though perhaps less crybaby and much less extrovert.

If you spent the night at my house: would probably end up playing mahjong or chinese poker and eat tons of junk food.

Most recent thing I’ve bought myself: stockings. stockings. stockings. I go through them like water. and groceries.

Last night I was: dining then got home and played with koshi and watched the news then went to bed at 1 a.m. boring adult life. XD

Tonight I am: having a drink with friends, dining, go home and play with koshi, watch the news and go to bed. haha. good times!

Tomorrow I am: going to work? again. yay.


Tuesday, June 01, 2010

BP = Bullcrapping People

so, this whole oil spill business makes me angry. Oil companies are run by mostly irresponsible greedy suits and those who run BP take the cake of being the most irresponsible one. That is saying something. Being a British company, I am sure, helps the company to be the most irresponsible one.
In my years of dealing with suits, I found those european suits whose origin countries have had colonized other countries in the past have a certain "take take take" attitude trait that seems to be inherited by their people to this date even if their countries no longer going out to conquer other countries. Yet, this particular trait appears to be in the blood. Maybe the water.

And Obama's inexperience as a leader show so badly in handling this situation. That has been my problem about Obama ever since he was still a candidate. The fact that he is lacking of experiences.

One just does not/should not buy anyone's word at face value just because one thinks they know better than one, especially not when the person you think know better is the one that making the mistake and as a given known to be tight lipped about any mistake, all the more if it cost a lot of money to repair such mistakes.

By the second or the third day of the oil spill, Obama should've already make an outside committee/body of experts out side of BP's experts and any govt. regulatory bodies to investigate the spill and the ways to stave the oil leak.
But to buy BP's words and info only to realize it was much more serious a month later is a big big mistake.

What makes me angry is that the animals that have to pay the cost for this oil spill.
I don't really care about human since human are generally parasites anyway. The oil spill is manmade thus nature is not equipped to clean up something so disastrous to nature. And to see all this unfolding and all the animals are being helpless on the face of such onslaught is maddening.

It makes me want to put BP suits in place of those animals so they know what these animals are undergoing because of their reckless greed.

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summer 2010

wow. it is summer already.
let me repeat myself, how time flies!

I hate the humidity that comes with summer in New York. On the bright side, I am loving the long daylight. No man made light can beat sunlight. Though me being contradictory, I also hate sunlight on direct skin.
I tan easily and I hate it. I prefer my skin to be pale golden all the time. Tan is so unattractive in my eyes.

Also, I hate that I always have nose bleed everyday come summer time. -sigh-
If only there is a carry on AC for outdoor, it'd a perfect summer each and every year.

But then, I am more a spring and autumn type of a girl.


food that are bad for your dogs

These are bad for your dogs:

- chocolates - the darker the chocolate, the badder it is
- garlic
- grapes
- salt

Also, remove seeds from all fruits/veggies you plan to feed your dog with.

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