Tuesday, March 23, 2010

who needs to get some brain cells

the answer would be American Republicans.

They are such a childish corrupt brainless group of people. But that what anyone can one expect from a bunch of people who adore Sarah Palin whose brain cells very existence are very much debatable.

Their arguments and what they called discussions consist of embarrassing bickering and stupid reasonings.

And now, with this healthcare topic, these bunch of stupid old people seriously need to come to grip.

Maybe the newly put to law healtcare is not perfect. But it is at least a step to the right direction. The health service provided to the American public thus far is so bad and flawed and pretty much close to a crime when society cannot give health care to its member regardless of their age, income, race, orientation.
We are talking about USA, the First Nation among first nations, yet, compared to other countries, its health system sucks when the sicks cannot get treated because they cannot afford it.
That is wrong in a very basic way.

Of course republican senators can bicker and what not because they don't have to worry, their health is covered so well that they have no reason to worry or fear they won't be able to cover the cost if they get sick. And the money from the insurance companies' lobbyists can only sweeten the pot.

But seriously, set aside your agenda and your weird twisted way of being, come out from the cave you have been living under and implant some brain cells then use it to be logical. And why don't you pick some moral of mankind along the way.
And oh, yeah, stop being so racist and homophobic, it is so unattractive, especially on such old people who are supposed to be wise.



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