Monday, March 29, 2010

slice of me

me: can't believe they are playing titanic.

isn't it so passe?

like old stuffs.

R: some people might like it?

like how you can watch harry potter movies many times.

me: yeah. but it is different.

R: how's so?

me: I like one and hate the other!

R: .....

me: don't make me magick you!

R: .........


Wednesday, March 24, 2010


so Spring officially started last Saturday.

Things I love in Manhattan in springtime:

- blossoming tulips
- shake shack
- ferrara
- boat rides in central park
- sipping warm coffee at battery park
- lunching at bryant park.

need I say more?


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

who needs to get some brain cells

the answer would be American Republicans.

They are such a childish corrupt brainless group of people. But that what anyone can one expect from a bunch of people who adore Sarah Palin whose brain cells very existence are very much debatable.

Their arguments and what they called discussions consist of embarrassing bickering and stupid reasonings.

And now, with this healthcare topic, these bunch of stupid old people seriously need to come to grip.

Maybe the newly put to law healtcare is not perfect. But it is at least a step to the right direction. The health service provided to the American public thus far is so bad and flawed and pretty much close to a crime when society cannot give health care to its member regardless of their age, income, race, orientation.
We are talking about USA, the First Nation among first nations, yet, compared to other countries, its health system sucks when the sicks cannot get treated because they cannot afford it.
That is wrong in a very basic way.

Of course republican senators can bicker and what not because they don't have to worry, their health is covered so well that they have no reason to worry or fear they won't be able to cover the cost if they get sick. And the money from the insurance companies' lobbyists can only sweeten the pot.

But seriously, set aside your agenda and your weird twisted way of being, come out from the cave you have been living under and implant some brain cells then use it to be logical. And why don't you pick some moral of mankind along the way.
And oh, yeah, stop being so racist and homophobic, it is so unattractive, especially on such old people who are supposed to be wise.


Friday, March 19, 2010


Speaking of reality tv shows, I have to admit that I watch Real Housewives of NYC and OC. I don't particularly like both of them, yet somehow I am morbidly fascinated by them, like a freak highway accident that you don't want to see yet you feel compelled to see as you pass the accident by.
I watch Real Housewives of NYC because of course, I feel like a must since it is about people in NY, and anything NY is like a love affair for me that has to be followed. And as for OC, it is pure morbid fascination of watching these plastic made women going about their shallow lives about plastic surgeries, superficial lives and how great their relationships with their husbands/boyfriends esp. with the wealth.

Although proven that once the money is gone no sooner than done we find these relationships to be on the rocks, crashing and burnt.

And also, I am fascinated at the ease these women talking and taking botox and plastic surgery. I guess in environment such as la, it is a matter of fact part of life, taking pills, going under the knife, injecting yourself anywhere and everywhere to keep oneself look youthful.

Whereas for someone like yours truly, such prospect seems scary. Forget that I have very low pain tolerance level and would cry just by watching someone else being injected with a needle. I am scared to look unnatural.

My closest cousin had her eyes and nose done when she was ten, typical procedure for asian girls to make their eyelids bigger and their noses more upturned, and now 25 years later, I still cannot get used to her face, as if she is forever wearing this mask that similar to her but never quiet matches her personality.
I imagine what she feels like every morning when she wakes up and watches herself in the mirror, does she see herself or a stranger all this time? But I never ask this question, because if the answer is that she sees a stranger, how to respond to that? or to fix it? since her original face has already gone even before it had the chance to mature into the real her.

I am thankful I never wanted or agreed to undergo the same procedure. And also happy that I have always protected my skin rigorously with honey, milk, creme after creme after lotions and no sun! better preventive and age slowly and gracefully then going under the knife.

However, now that I am in my mid-thirties, I can imagine I might go and uplift my boobs when I hit 45? or when they start going south. That is the big annoyance for having big boobs, gravity really matters.
I envy those who has A cups and can go everywhere braless. I even would be content with C cups.

There is some truth in the saying "grass on the other side of the fence always looks greener".
Many people would pay to have the size of my boobs that bequeathed to me by nature [though no one in the family knows from where/which side of the family at all] but I am all ready to hand them over for smaller less gravity pulled size.

So, yeah, I can see an uplift somewhere along in the future. and already the prospect makes me cringe and cower in fear, yet I want to always look good in clothes.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

familia[r/l] ?

little brother is such a momma's boy. Mother visits him in LA and in the period of two weeks of her stay so far, he had a one/two days fever and now she just called me saying that they are on their way to a hospital because my brother feels some pain in his stomach although he cannot pin point where the pain exactly is or rather the pain jumps around.

It is amazing how different we are, especially considering we came from the same parents, same mother, same father, same gene pools.

Yes, there are similarities, like how we both are introvert, though mine comes off as being reserved, his comes off as being quiet, keeping to himself.

And of course, other similarities because we came from the same background, nurtured almost the same way.

But our personalities could not be more different. I measure success by what I can achieve away from my family while he measures success by what our parents own and can provide him with.
He is so shy and uncertain whereas I revel in facing everything face to face.
But foremost, I enjoy being independent so thoroughly, running my own show and will never be content unless I am at the forefront of every single thing that matters to me, he, otoh, is content to be in the shadow of our parents and me, feeling protected that way. So different in this way we are that our driver has always said that I should have been born the boy and he the girl.
Popo, my maternal grandmother, when she was still alive once said that I took all the independent and courage genes that I left him with nothing in that department.

At any case, as I have mentioned to Mother, they better straighten him up good for his future. For, I am only his sister, not his parents and will never treat him the way my parents would.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

real post

what I wanted to post here when I was frantically try to find my login is that how glad I am of the beautiful weather today in the city!

Spring almost bursts into the scene here, I can feel it. And about time too. After the weird winter we have had and the hurricane storm over the weekend which I found out that it was a hurricane, one of the worst in decades, after the fact, after I had gallivanting all over the city on friday evening and all day saturday and wondered why on earth it was so windy and why I was out at all while struggling to keep my umbrella against the wind.

I have to say my Barnes and Nobles umbrella is a well worth $20 purchase. It has yet failed against its fight over crazy windy weathers close to two years. Money truly well spent.

At any case, my feet are tapping for spring to come to NYC...

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I was trying frantically to find the name and password of this blog, for minutes, opening files after files after emails.

When I finally gave up because I couldn't find out. And just by happenstance I went to google to go to blogger front page, it connected me to my own blog, I don't have to even login or type any password because it's connected to my gmail acocunt, apparently. ha.

funny how things tend to work out. When we think so complicated, the answer can be as simple as just a click away.

At any case, I sunk my old blog for good. Someone that I don't want to find about that blog, found it out. [how do they do that anyway? probably over something simple as well].
